D11, from Ghosts & Giants
Analog print on RC paper, 24x30cm
My project-in-progress on Ghosts and Giants is basically about myths that may not exist. Not much is known about the burial chambers (or maybe better: family memorials) made of megalith stones, scattered throughout the northwestern part of Europe. They were erected during the third and fourth millennium BCE when there was no writing yet. Oral history however produced many myths and sagas, not only in the culture at the time but also later on, even into the Middle Ages. The sheer dimensions of the “hunebeds” were often associated with ghosts and giants.
Unfortunately, in the very end, not many stories have been preserved. As a fresh inducement to a rebirth of tales, I created my own visual version.

D22, from Ghosts & Giants
Analog print on RC paper, 24x30cm

D6, from Ghosts & Giants
Analog print on RC paper, 24x30cm